Election 2009

Election 2009

Dear Lake Worth Neighbor,

I have met with many of you during campaigns over the last eight years. Your supportive attitudes and intelligent insights convinced me that I want to represent you as Mayor of Lake Worth. In the coming months, I hope to meet with you to hear your concerns and ideas about making Lake Worth a more thriving, vibrant and caring community where we enhance our assets and transform our liabilities into strengths.

As a longtime homeowner and neighbor in our community, I have been an active guardian of our historic downtown, public properties and parks, and particularly our priceless waterfront areas which made many of us choose Lake Worth over other communities in Palm Beach County. Lake Worth has turned a positive corner. The majority of residents envision what we can achieve by working together to be a much more important focus than allowing issues to divide us.

Please take a few minutes and visit my campaign my web site. If you have any questions or suggestions, please e-mail or call me and I will respond quickly.

Laurence McNamara

Political Advertisement paid for and approved by Laurence McNamara for Mayor

Chairman writes letter to Gov Crist on SB 360

May 26, 2009

Dear Governor Crist,

Please reconsider your reported support of SB 360.

We cannot develop our way out of the overdeveloped inventory that continues to devalue our original housing stock, in addition to devaluing the empty and foreclosed units themselves.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

To add more units would lower the taxable value of existing units, defeating the alleged purpose of creating an environment easing development- to increase the tax base. In addition it will diminish our quality of life by overcrowding, destruction of natural areas, and strain on our fragile water resources.

We trust you will protect what is left of the Florida that brings both tourism and a desire for homeownership in our state.


Laurence McNamara

Chairman, Citizens Come First PAC

2-22 @ 2

Because the circle is a universal symbol of unity and wholeness, we are circling the Casino to show our support for restoration not demolition and to preserve our past.

Come and be a part of saving our history by joining the circle

The Circle of Light Event

Sunday, February 22 at 2 pm

Lake Worth Casino.


Restoration of the casino at Lake Worth Beach

Citizens Come First supports the current zoning at Lake Worth Beach, Public Recreation and Open Space. It is our desire that the casino, originally constructed in 1922, be restored. There is a special workshop meeting on January 27, 2009 at 5:30 at City Hall to discuss the options.

Letter to the City Commission from Chairman McNamara:

I have been closely involved with beach redevelopment since 2001 and in touch with the citizen’s desires from that time forward. I have spoken to large numbers of citizens during many petition drives. In 2002, there was significant sentiment against commercialization of the beach and that has increased as years have passed.

Paid political advertisement paid for and sponsored by
Citizens Come First Political Action Committee
2204 Lake Osborne Dr #21, Lake Worth, FL 33461